The center of each bubble is identified by the filename, and 2-arcmin
scalebars are included. All images have a color scale with blue, green,
orange, and red assigned to IRAC bands [3.6], [4.5], [5.8], and [8.0]
respectively, but the color ratios and stretches vary among the images.
The bubble archive images have 1.2 arcsec pixels, while the featured
bubbles have 0.6 arcsec pixels.
to GLIMPSE home page
updated: May 23, 2007
Bubbles featured in the Churchwell, Povich, Allen, Taylor, et al., 2006, ApJ, 649, 759.
Bubbles found in the northern hemisphere (l=10 through 65 deg) of the GLIMPSE survey
Bubbles found in the southern hemisphere (l=295 through 350 deg)
GLIMPSEII Survey (Churchwell, Watson, Povich, Taylor et al, 2007, ApJ, submitted) :
Bubbles found in the northern hemisphere (l=- through 10 deg) of the GLIMPSEII survey
Bubbles found in the southern hemisphere (l=350 through 0 deg) of the GLIMPSEII survey