Waiting around for SIRTF to launch...
John Mathis thoroughly enjoys the proceedings.
Jim Jackson ready to rumble.
Tony Marston keeps his energy levels up for the afternoon.
Tom Bania keeping the meeting on track...
Bob Benjamin ponders the big picture.
Ed Churchwell works hard to keep the team runnning.
Chip Kobulnicky lays out the survey strategy
Mike Wolff ferrets out potential problems with the plan.
Tom Bania, Jim Jackson, and Tony Marston find the Galactic Plane
more interesting than the photographer.
Mark Wolfire explains the Web Infrared Tool Shed for Ed, Tony, and
the rest of the GLIMPSE Team.
Marilyn Meade keeps up with the ever-changing plan.
Brian Babler contemplates the analysis strategy.
Chip Kobulnicky
Mark Wolfire
Team photographer, Dan Clemens, regrets not having taken
one of himself.